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SEO Tactics You May Have Missed

Updated: Nov 12, 2019

Every business places significant importance on optimizing their site by using different SEO tactics. However, do these tactics apply to each and every business, irrespective of their size?

The answer is no.

Though businesses might frequent the same SEO school of thought, the results are usually different. Small businesses have a different strategy altogether compared to larger corporations. Small businesses need a quick return on investment to keep them going.

Unlike larger companies that have the luxury of affording to see their gain in the future as opposed to immediately, when you're a startup or small business owner, it looks a little different and there are some SEO tactics you shouldn't forget.

Using Keywords and Keyphrases

Though this tactic may sound obvious, many people forget the best practices on usage. As a business, you need to be able to anticipate the words your customers would type into Google. You can do this by paying attention to everything they say, type, what they're trying to say. If you're not sure where to start when it comes to finding the right words to use in your content, tools like Google Keyword Planner or Keyword List Generator can provide viable options for you. After that, use these keywords (in context, of course), within the Title, Meta description, Intro, Subhead, the Body of your text. If it reads spammy, Google will notice.

Say it right

Unfortunately, humans don't have the longest attention spans. So, if a big chunk of text you've been working on isn't eye-catching from the outset, it becomes hard to follow it through.

In 2019, the average person has an eight-second attention span. So those lengthy emails and About pages may seem like a golden idea, at the moment, but saying things succinctly is the age we're in.

Creating a unique pillar keyword strategy for your website may mean using catchphrases like “5 Key Reasons to Learn Copywriting”, “How to Learn Search Engine Marketing (SEM),” or “Quick and Easy Ways to Learn to Blog”, etc.

Be Literal

Your site may have all the keywords you need, but without a smooth and buttery user experience, it means nothing. You have to make sure your site loads quickly, you're providing quick, easy answers to probing questions and you're navigating the reader on where to go next.

Get into the mind of the reader

Your customers should find your content easy to read. Content can be a little intimidating for some readers, when faced with, say...12 paragraphs and only a 15-minute break. You can make it easier for people by placing bullets, slashing everything you know about run-ons and/or adding a dash of subheading. This helps break up the content for your reader.

Blog Often

Blogging or updating your content regularly helps propel small businesses into a more relevant space. The more content you have to offer, the more your audience can get to know your voice, establish trust, and turn into a customer.

Fresh copy creates value like you wouldn't believe.

You can do this in the form of stories, lectures, answers, and even news. Blogs are invaluable in content marketing.

External linking

Including links to well-known websites help create exposure for your business. For example, online directories increase your credibility because Google shows that you gave the referral. You can also benefit from guest posts.

A great SEO tactic doesn't go without proper analysis and planning. As a small business, you may need someone with a knack for strategy when it comes to copywriting. A freelance copywriter (hi!) can help you utilize the right language for every launch, email marketing campaign, and ad placement to engage your audience every time.

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